Home Farmers: Easy Access To Healthy Food!

Across the globe, it’s probably fair to say that small-scale farming is not as widespread an activity as it once was. The situation varies widely from country to country, but as a rule, the more economically developed and urbanized a place becomes, the more food production gets to be a matter for big companies, not individuals.

But as supermarkets become ever more ubiquitous, people living in some of the world’s most advanced economies are becoming increasingly concerned about how little they know of where their food comes from and how it’s produced.

In some countries, supermarkets have begun to print on the labels of fruit and vegetables the names of the farms at which they were grown, or even of the farmers who grew them. But given supermarkets’ mastery of branding, it’s debatable how much such moves increase consumers’ level of trust.

From Edinburgh to Ohio, the rich world has, in the past two decades or so, seen a boom in the number of farmers’ markets, offering health-, environment-, and provenance-conscious consumers the chance to deal directly with the producers of their fresh produce. These markets have become the beating heart of the global ‘slow food’ revival, letting consumers stay in touch with the sources of their produce, and producers make a better return by selling directly, at retail prices.

But there are downsides to farmers’ markets. For a start, not everyone lives near one. Then, there’s the fact that they’re often only open for a few hours each week. Occasionally, they’re even exploited by unscrupulous vendors whose produce is not everything it claims to be.

It’s with all the above in mind that Home Farmers was set up. Based in Australia but operating globally, it’s an online marketplace that aims to combine the convenience and security of e-commerce with all the joys and benefits of buying fresh produce direct from the grower. Continue reading to find out how it works: https://roobykon.com/blog/posts/70-home-farmers-easy-access-to-healthy-food

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