Who Will The Main ‘Influencers’ Of 2018?

Influencer marketing in 2018

“Influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful advertising tactic for A-list brands such as Mountain Dew and Amazon”, Brendan Gahan wrote in Adweek back at the end of September.

But who exactly are these ‘influencers’ about whom we are hearing more and more? Well, simply put, they are individuals with a sizable and engaged social media following, who act as a trusted and listened-to voice within their chosen area of expertize.

Gahan gives the example of the YouTube personality Zach King, who has partnered with HP to explore how that brand’s hardware can be used to aid creative collaboration.

Brands hugely value such collaborations because personalities like King possess a level of authenticity that is simply not attainable via traditional advertising. And while viewers understand that influencers are paid to promote products, there is also an implicit contract between the two parties that helps to ensure that…Continue reading here: https://roobykon.com/blog/posts/68-who-will-the-main-influencers-of-2018

Successful E-commerce Business: where does the inspiration live?

What are the common problems?

So many people are sure that business can’t be started without big investments. But is it true? You can try to find out by answering these questions:

  1. What kind of business do I want?
  2. How much time am I willing to spend on its development?
  3. How much money I willing to give for the start?
  4. Do I need a team?
  5. What do I want as the result?

Easy ways to start successfully

  1. E-commerce is the future of business!
  2. Start with the time that you have, and increase it with every future day. Find out the best time to achieve your own goal.
  3. Try to start without much money! Read the top business resources. Use free proven tools:

     4. Search among friends to support you! If this is a small project, you can do it alone.

     5. Set a real goal and go to it!

Download the presentation here: https://issuu.com/juliaruby6/docs/e-commerce_where_does_the_inspirati